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Lily Balasanova
Images of the past involuntary come to us through a silvery blur and golden warmth 
of old photographs. All of a sudden, they may also penetrate through a sweet, dusty smell 
of faded wallpaper; or show up in lovely, swift stitches darning an antique needlework 
touched by time and grandmother's hand.

"Ladies' Golf", 2005, mixed media,(100 x 110 cm)

"Old Golfer", 2005, mixed media,(100 x 110 cm) 

"Games. Golf", 2004,

mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)

"Games. Stroke", 2004,

mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)



"Baseball. Unforgettable", 2005,

mixed media, (100 x 80 cm)
"Games. Croquet", 2004, mixed media,
(35 x 35 cm)

"Mail", 2004, mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)

"Dream Cars. Silver Horch,1938", 2004,
mixed media,(35 x 35 cm) 
"Movement #27", 2004, mixed
 media,(35 x 35 cm)

"Waterbury Clock", 2004,

mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)
"Dream Cars.Bugatti Royale", 2004,
mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)
"Dream Cars.Auburn1932", 2004,
mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)

"Cuckoo", 2004, mixed media,(35 x 35 cm)